Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

We had a fun day today for Easter! We ate a yummy dinner at Grandma Brenda's house with Grandma Great, Aunt Sylvia and Uncle Don and the boys swam and played! The Easter Bunny made a hit this morning with some fun Army stuff and of course candy for the boys! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!


Alisa and Sky said...

I love dying easter eggs! I didnt get a chance to this year. My mom did it with nate though!

Shondell said...

Erin, I love your background, it's so cute! Hey by the way your Carnival was a blast! Great job! Only about one more month to go and no more school or PTA! Yeah!!
So, you could not even imagine the sad faces when we told the team that Jacob was going to be at the big game on Saturday...I think Alisha's was the worst! I'll bring up Jacobs pictures and his certificate and stuff later Saturday when you guys are home again, Tell Jeff Congrates from us! :)

Natalie Bergquist said...

Hi Erin! I'm sorry I missed your carnival week before last; Audrey invited me to go but I spent the whole day preparing for my talk and primary lesson for the following day. If I had not had that to do I totally would've come! I love reading your blog; gives me a glimpse into what the future holds for me having a boy. Having no brothers I have very little knowledge and experienc in the world of sports, bruises and noise. (;